Parliamentary Group on Sustainable Development Goals 2030 (SDGs)
The 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are both a guide and an opportunity. They provide us a networked way to tackle the major challenges of our time in cooperation with business, science, society and politics. The timeframe for us to secure our natural livelihoods with economic efficiency is rapidly closing in. The sooner we build partnerships and seize opportunities across party lines, the easier it will be for us to achieve the SDGs.
The Parliamentary Group contributes to solution-oriented exchange for a sustainable Switzerland. Sustainability requires integrated, partnership-based and cross-party solutions. The group thus promotes exchange with leading experts about relevant science-based knowledge and innovation. In doing so, the group sets priorities for how to live well and have a flourishing economy within the limits of Earth’s carrying capacity.
The group has set three priorities and will cooperate with thematically related parliamentary groups:
Sustainable economic, trade and financial systems: National and international companies are increasingly aligning themselves with the SDGs. The goals, however, have had little impact on our policies. In the future, business and politics will increasingly need to pull together.
Sustainable food systems (in Switzerland and globally) and nutritional environments: A sustainable food policy is key for achieving the SDGs.
Strengthening Swiss governance for sustainable development: Parliamentary mechanisms that can ensure sustainable development in Switzerland should be strengthened.

Josef Dittli
Ständerat, FDP

Adèle Thorens Goumaz
Ständerätin, Grüne

Jean-Pierre Grin
Nationalrat, SVP

Eva Herzog
Ständerätin, SP

Melanie Mettler
Nationalrätin, GLP

Priska Wismer-Felder
Nationalrätin, Die Mitte
List of members of the Parliamentary Group on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
SDSN Switzerland also runs the Secretariat of the Parliamentary Group on Sustainable Development Goals 2030 (SDGs).