SDSN Suisse, le SDSN mondial des Nations Unies ainsi que nos organisations membres et partenaires publient régulièrement des rapports, des fiches d’information et des recommandations sur le développement durable à l’échelle mondiale et en Suisse. Vous trouverez sur cette page une sélection de publications de référence.
Sustainable Development Report 2022
For the second year in a row, the world is no longer making progress on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This is one of the main findings of the Sustainable Development Report 2022, launched on 2 June by UN SDSN.

World Happiness Report 2022
This year marks the 10th anniversary of the World Happiness Report. It reveals a bright light in dark times. The pandemic brought not only pain and suffering but also an increase in social support and benevolence. As we battle the ills of disease and war, it is essential to remember the universal desire for happiness and the capacity of individuals to rally to each other’s support in times of great need.
SDSN Networks in Action Report 2021
The Networks in Action report presents our unique global network of problem solvers and their contributions to addressing the world’s most pressing problems.
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SDG Action
SDSN is pleased to release the first issue of SDG Action, themed exclusively around the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their implications for cross-cutting topics
Sustainable Development Report 2021
The annual report on progress towards the SDGs by SDSN
World Happiness Report 2021
The ninth world happinness report is out. Find out more about the effects of Covid-19 and the general well-being of people all over the world as well as how governments dealt with the pandemic.
SDSN Vernehmlassungsantwort Strategie Nachhaltige Entwicklung 2030
Über 60 führende Organisationen aus Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft, Zivilgesellschaft, Politik und Kultur erarbeiteten Schlüsselempfehlungen, welche der Vernehmlassungsantwort von SDSN zu Grunde liegen.
Achieving the SDGs with Biodiversity
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development with its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) charts a new path of balance for humanity and the planet.
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Report: PCSD North-South
Monitoring of Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development in a North South Context – Finalization of the Conceptual Work
Methodology Paper
Europe Sustainable Development Report 2020
Meeting the Sustainable Development Goals in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Sustainable Development Report 2020
The annual report on progress towards the SDGs by SDSN
SDSN Networks in action 2020
All organizations at a glance
Where to begin? Defining national strategies for implementing the 2030 Agenda: the case of Switzerland
A paper developed by experts from the Centre for Development and Environment and SDSN Switzerland
Research for Sustainable Development Goals
Introduction by Urs Wiesmann & Océane Dayer in GAiA 2 – 2019
SDSN Networks in action 2019
Sustainable Development Solution Networks
Sustainable Development Report 2019 – Transformations to achieve the SDGs
Sustainable Development Solutions Network & Bertelsmann Stiftung
2019 World Happiness Report
Réseau de solutions pour le développement durable
ARE Forum Raumentwicklung 03-2018
Article by Océane Dayer and Urs Wiesmann: Die Agenda 2030 braucht Transformationswissen | Le manque de donées concernant la transformation entrave la mise en oeuvre de l’Agenda 2030
SDSN Networks in Action 2018
Réseau de solutions pour le développement durable
Levers to achieve Switzerland’s sustainable future
Recommendations for policy makers
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Discussion Paper « Switzerland and the Agenda 2030 »
This Discussion Paper by SDSN Switzerland contains comments and recommendations from a scientific standpoint on the requirements, obligations and framework for action that could be applied to a transformational strategy for Switzerland geared to sustainability.
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SDSN Switzerland Factsheet
Sustainable Development Solutions Network Switzerland in a nutshell.
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Getting Started with the SDGs in Universities (2017)
Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) – Australia/Pacific
Publikationen aus unserer Community
Nachhaltigkeit an Schweizer Hochschulen
WWF, Rating- Bericht 2019
Guidance for the Identification of Impacts and Indicators for Activity Level SDG Impact Reporting
Gold Standard, August 2019
Mapping the Renewable Energy Sector to the Sustainable Development Goals: An Atlas
Sustainable Development Solutions Network, Equitable Origin, Colombia Center on Sustainable Investment and Business & Human Rights Resource Centre
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2019 SDG Index and Dashboards Report – European Cities
Sustainable Development Solutions & Brabant Center for Sustainable Development
Making Gender Work: The International Dimension of Labour Market Inequality in Switzerland
foraus Discussion Paper
Paradigm Shift in Financial Market
WWF Switzerland and PWC
Inspiring Investment Partnerships To Achieve Global Goals: Attracting The Necessary Capital
Swiss Sustainable Finance